SEMPERVIVUM calcareum 'Mrs. Giuseppi' (sem-per-VIV-um) (kal-KAR-ee-um) | SEMPMG3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: One of the most interesting color and geometric patterns in this huge collcetion of collectibles. Gray-blue leaves have eye-catching, triangular tips, each with a small, rich maroon tip at the apex. Ideal for troughs and dishes. |
Zone: 3 |
SEMPERVIVUM 'Classic' (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPCL3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Large, gray-green, spiderweb, red tinged rosettes. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPMX5 |
Common Name: Hen & Chicks |
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPMX3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPMX1 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM 'Red Heart' (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPRH3 |
Common Name: Hen & Chicks |
Description: Striking evergreen rosettes with pointy leaves, flushed with pink-red centers intensifying in cooler temps. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Specialty Blend (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPSB3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Rich blend of Sempervivums and Jovibarbas propagated from named varieties. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Specialty Blend (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPSB5 |
Common Name: Hen & Chicks |
Description: Rich blend of Sempervivums and Jovibarbas propagated from named varieties. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM 'Twilight Blues' (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPTB3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Large, olive-green shaded lavender, purple tips. |
Zone: 4 |