Common Name: |
Description: Seldom seen, we are excited to offer this southeastern native. Forms a low carpet of thick, silvery-gray leaves becoming blushed with bronze during summer and lined with a pink hue in fall and winter. |
Zone: 10 |
SEDUM pachyclados (SEE-dum) (pak-ee-KLAD-os) | SEDUPL3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Succulent, gray-blue leaves with fringed edges; pale yellow flowers.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 5 |
SEDUM reflexum 'Angelina' (SEE-dum) (re-FLEKS-um) | SEDUAG3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Amazing, brilliant golden, apiculate (conifer shaped) leaves on trailing stems. Brightens hanging baskets, combos, borders, and rock gardens. Orange fall color. Found in Croation garden. Grow as other sedums, dry and well-drained.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM reflexum 'Angelina' (SEE-dum)(re-FLEKS-um) | SEDUAG5 |
Common Name: Stonecrop |
Description: Amazing, brilliant golden, apiculate (conifer shaped) leaves on trailing stems. Brightens hanging baskets, combos, borders and rock gardens. Orange fall color. Grow in dry and well-drained soil. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM reflexum 'Blue Spruce' (SEE-dum) (re-FLEKS-um) | SEDUBS3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Blue foliage; bright yellow flowers in summer. Popular ground cover. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 4 |
SEDUM spathulifolium 'Harvest Moon' (SEE-dum) (spath-ew-li-FO-lee-um) | SEDUHM3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Silver-white leaves; yellow flowers in summer on this choice rock garden or trough plant.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 6 |
SEDUM spurium 'Bronze Carpet' (SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um) | SEDUBC3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Prostrate mat of bronzy foliage with bright rose-pink flowers in July and August; great ground cover.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM spurium 'Fuldaglut' ['Glowing Fire'] (SEE-dum)(SPUR-ee-um) | SEDUFG5 |
Common Name: Stonecrop |
Description: An improved 'Dragon's Blood' with rose-red flowers on short stems above bronze foliage that keeps its color all season long. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM spurium 'Fuldaglut' ['Glowing Fire'] (SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um) | SEDUFG3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: An improved 'Dragon's Blood' with rose-red flowers on short stems above bronze foliage that keeps its color all season long.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM spurium 'John Creech' (SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um) | SEDUJC3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Outstanding dwarf spurium collected in China with neat, blue-green, overlapping leaves with pink flowers. An impeccable miniature that is a must for rock garden or wall.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' ['Dragon's Blood'] (SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um) | SEDUDB3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Most popular low sedum with showy, deep crimson flowers; dark green leaves that turn red in fall and winter.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' ['Dragon's Blood'] (SEE- dum) | SEDUDB5 |
Common Name: Stonecrop |
Description: Most popular low sedum with showy, deep crimson flowers. Dark green leaves that turn red in fall and winter. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM spurium 'Tricolor' (SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um) | SEDUTR3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Bright pink and white variegation. Striking contrast plant.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM spurium 'Voodoo' (SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um) | SEDUVO3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: The darkest of the spuriums, it grows like Sedum 'Dragon's Blood', but lower and deep mahogany red.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM ternatum (SEE-dum) (ter-NAY-tum) | SEDUTN3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop |
Description: Clusters of white flowers over attractive, low, green foliage. Landscaper's favorite. |
Zone: 5 |
SEDUM tetractinum (SEE-dum) (te-TRAK-tee-num) | SEDUTT3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Round leaves topped with yellow stars. Fantastic bronze fall color. From China.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 4 |
SEDUM x 'Czar's Gold' (SEE-dum) | SEDUCG3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety) |
Description: Outstanding evergreen carpet ground cover with many, golden flowers on reddish stems in summer.
Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage. |
Zone: 3 |
SEDUM x 'Immergrunchen' (SEE-dum) | SEDUIM3 |
Common Name: Stonecrop |
Description: Mat-forming ground cover with green leaves that turn orange-red in cooler temperatures. Yellow flowers in early summer. Will tolerate part shade. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM arachnoideum 'Cobweb' (sem-per-VIV-um) (a-RAK-noy-dee-um) | SEMPCO3 |
Common Name: Hen & Chicks |
Description: An eye-catching specimen covered with fine, white threads which crisscross between the leaves appearing as cobwebs; pink flowers in mid-summer. |
Zone: 3 |
SEMPERVIVUM calcareum monstrosum 'Red Tips' (sem-per-VIV-um) (kal-KAR-ee-um) | SEMPRT3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Eye-catching specimen that is green, marked with striking red on the very tips of the leaves. This plant will brighten up your rock or trough garden. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM calcareum 'Mrs. Giuseppi' (sem-per-VIV-um) (kal-KAR-ee-um) | SEMPMG3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: One of the most interesting color and geometric patterns in this huge collcetion of collectibles. Gray-blue leaves have eye-catching, triangular tips, each with a small, rich maroon tip at the apex. Ideal for troughs and dishes. |
Zone: 3 |
SEMPERVIVUM 'Classic' (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPCL3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Large, gray-green, spiderweb, red tinged rosettes. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPMX1 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPMX3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPMX5 |
Common Name: Hen & Chicks |
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM 'Red Heart' (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPRH3 |
Common Name: Hen & Chicks |
Description: Striking evergreen rosettes with pointy leaves, flushed with pink-red centers intensifying in cooler temps. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Specialty Blend (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPSB3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Rich blend of Sempervivums and Jovibarbas propagated from named varieties. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM Specialty Blend (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPSB5 |
Common Name: Hen & Chicks |
Description: Rich blend of Sempervivums and Jovibarbas propagated from named varieties. |
Zone: 4 |
SEMPERVIVUM 'Twilight Blues' (sem-per-VIV-um) | SEMPTB3 |
Common Name: Hen and Chicks |
Description: Large, olive-green shaded lavender, purple tips. |
Zone: 4 |
SENECIO macroglossus 'Variegatus' (se-NEE-see-o) (mak-ro-GLOSS-us) | SENEMV3 |
Common Name: Variegated Jade Vine |
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Tiny, creeping, mat-forming, intricate, delicate, yet easy ground cover for troughs, planters, and topiaries. |
Zone: 9 |