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LEPTINELLA squalida 'Platt's Black'
(lep-tin-EL-a) (SKWAH-li-da)
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Common Name:
Description: Tiny, almost black leafed, ferny looking foliage; minute, white, button-like flowers without petals. Perfect for ground cover and trough gardens; truly unique! Prefers moist soil in sun or part shade.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Full Sun Partial Shade

LESPEDEZA thunbergii 'Gibraltar'
(les-pe-DEE-za) (thun-BERG-ee-eye)
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Common Name: Pink Bush Clover
Description: Spectacular selection with arching branches of fine leaves loaded with stunning, deep lavender, pea-like flowers in late summer.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Full Sun

LESPEDEZA thunbergii 'Pink Fountains'
(les-pe-DEE-za) (thun-BERG-ee-eye)
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Common Name:
Description: Waves of pink flowers mid to late summer and into fall on this weeping form. Semi-woody legume should be cut back in April.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Full Sun

LESPEDEZA thunbergii 'Samindare'
(les-pe-DEE-za) (thun-BERG-ee-eye)
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Common Name:
Description: Magnificent masses of bright, pea-like flowers with a fuchsia keel mid to late summer. Semi-woody legume that should be cut back to 1' in April.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Full Sun

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Common Name: Shasta Daisy
Description: Large, showy, single, white flowers in summer.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Butterfly

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Common Name: Shasta Daisy
Description: Large, showy, single, white flowers in summer.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Butterfly

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Common Name:
Description: 2003 PPA Plant of the Year! Long-lasting, large, 2 1/2-3", single, white daisies with stout stems from mid to late summer. Excellent cut. Very heat tolerant; exceptionally long-lived plants. Vegetatively propagated. Named for Becky Steward of Decatur, GA.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Butterfly

LEUCANTHEMUM Sweet Daisy™ Birdy
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Common Name: Daisy
Description: 2021 AAS Winner. This leucanthemum is a robust perennial with long lasting white flowers with a yellow disc. Blooms last spring until fall.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Butterfly

LEUCANTHEMUM x 'Exhibition'
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Common Name: Shasta Daisy
Description: Semi-double, white flowers on strong stems that bloom over a long period of time. Great cut flower. Good in sun to part shade.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Butterfly

LEUCANTHEMUM x 'Exhibition'
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Common Name: Shasta Daisy
Description: Semi-double, white flowers on strong stems that bloom over a long period of time. Great cut flower.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Hybrid Butterfly

LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Snowcap'
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Common Name: Shasta Daisy
Description: Large, white flowers with a yellow eye above compact, dark green foliage. Deadheading will extend the already long bloom time.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Hybrid Butterfly

LEUCANTHEMUM x superbum 'Snowcap'
(lew-KAN-theh-mum) (soo-PER-bum)
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Common Name:
Description: Large, white flowers with a yellow eye above compact, dark green foliage. Deadheading will extend the already long bloomtime.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Hybrid Butterfly

LEVISTICUM officinale
(le-VIS-ti-kum) (oh-fi-shi-NAL)
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Common Name: Lovage
Description: Seeds used in confectionery and cooking; striking, ornamental specimen.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Full Sun

LEWISIA cotyledon Special Mixture
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Common Name: Bitter Root
Description: Evergreen, succulent rosettes, free flowering with many panicles in white, pink, red and orange shades in spring. Reblooms until August, requires well-drained soil.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun

LEWISIA cotyledon Special Mixture
(loo-ISS-ee-ah) (kot-ih-LEE-don)
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Common Name: Bitter Root
Description: Evergreen, succulent rosettes, free flowering with many panicles in white, pink, red, and orange shades in spring. Reblooms until August; requires well-drained soil. Lewisia, Northwest U.S. native succulents with interesting, fleshy, sometimes crinkly leaves producing clusters of beautiful flowers in pleasing, soft colors, including stripes. Must have sharp drainage in scree or slope and be protected from winter wet.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun

LEWISIA x longipetala 'Little Plum'
(loo-ISS-ee-ah) (lon-gee-PET-a-la)
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Common Name: Bitter Root
Description: Large, intense rose-purple flowers with a touch of orange at first on short, upright stems. Lanceolate leaves in strong rosettes. Blooms May-June, reblooms in September. Easy to grow. Lewisia, Northwest U.S. native succulents with interesting, fleshy, sometimes crinkly leaves producing clusters of beautiful flowers in pleasing, soft colors, including stripes. Must have sharp drainage in scree or slope and be protected from winter wet.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun Hybrid

LIATRIS aspera
(lee-AT-tris) (ASS-per-ah)
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Common Name: Rough Blazing Star
Description: Broadly rounded, pink flower heads with curled margins. Enjoys sandy soil and dry, open spaces.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS ligulistylis
(lee-AT-tris) (lig-yew-lis-STY-lis)
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Common Name: Large-headed Liatris
Description: 2017 GreatPlants™ Perennial of the Year. Outstanding, Great Plains native. Large, purple florets on long spike with terminal flower being the largest. Blooms July to September. An Eastern South Dakota ecotype.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Great Plants Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS microcephala
(lee-AT-tris) (mik-ro-SEF-a-la)
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Common Name: Tiny-headed Liatris, Dense Gentian
Description: Multi-stemmed, Southeastern U.S. native; excellent landscape plant with lavender flowers.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS punctata
(lee-AT-tris) (punk-TA-ta)
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Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather
Description: Numerous, pink flower stalks mid-late summer. Native to dry soils of the Western prairies.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS pycnostachya
(lee-AT-tris) (pik-no-STAK-ee-a)
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Common Name: Thickspike Gayfeather
Description: Rosy-purple flower spikes on 3-4' stalks; fine cut flowers.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS pycnostachya 'Eureka'
(lee-AT-tris) (pik-no-STAK-ee-a)
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Common Name: Button Snakeroot
Description: 2006 GreatPlantsTM Release! Outstanding native of Great Plains wet prairies. Bred and selected by Dr. Sotero Salac and kept going by Dr. William Gustafson, both of UNL. Breath-taking in the garden and vibrantly vivacious as a florist's crop. Produces a 1'+ dense spike crowded with reddish-purple, long lasting flowers.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Great Plants Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS spicata
(lee-AT-tris) (spih-KAH-tah)
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Common Name: Spiked Gayfefather
Description: Early blooming native; lavender flowers.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS spicata 'Alba'
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Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather
Description: White flowered Gayfeather. Early blooming native.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS spicata 'Alba'
(lee-AT-tris) (spih-KAH-tah)
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Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather
Description: White flowered Gayfeather.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS spicata 'Floristan Violett'
(lee-AT-tris) (spih-KAH-tah)
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Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather
Description: Violet-purple spikes, excellent for cutting.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS spicata 'Kobold'
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Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather
Description: Deep purple flowering dwarf.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LIATRIS spicata 'Kobold'
(lee-AT-tris) (spih-KAH-tah)
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Common Name: Blazing Star, Gayfeather
Description: Deep purple flowering dwarf.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Cut Flower Wild Flower Full Sun Partial Shade Butterfly

LILIUM Aurelian Hybrids
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Common Name: (Lily)
Description: Spectacular colors and color patterns in these fragrant hybrids between Lilium longiflorum (Trumpet Lily) and Lilium henryi. Colors include shades of pink, orange, lavender, yellow, pumpkin and white. Stunning every summer in our Hillside Border garden.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun Hybrid

LIMONIUM latifolium
(lee-MOE-nee-um) (lat-ih-FOE-lee-um)
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Common Name: Statice, Sea Lavender
Description: Outstanding lavender-blue flowers for cut or drying.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Cut Flower Full Sun