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SEDUM spurium 'John Creech'
(SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um)
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Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety)
Description: Outstanding dwarf spurium collected in China with neat, blue-green, overlapping leaves with pink flowers. An impeccable miniature that is a must for rock garden or wall. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEDUM spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' ['Dragon's Blood']
(SEE- dum)
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Common Name: Stonecrop
Description: Most popular low sedum with showy, deep crimson flowers. Dark green leaves that turn red in fall and winter.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEDUM spurium 'Schorbuser Blut' ['Dragon's Blood']
(SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um)
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Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety)
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Most popular low sedum with showy, deep crimson flowers; dark green leaves that turn red in fall and winter. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEDUM spurium 'Tricolor'
(SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um)
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Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety)
Description: Bright pink and white variegation. Striking contrast plant. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEDUM spurium 'Voodoo'
(SEE-dum) (SPUR-ee-um)
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Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety)
Description: The darkest of the spuriums, it grows like Sedum 'Dragon's Blood', but lower and deep mahogany red. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEDUM ternatum
(SEE-dum) (ter-NAY-tum)
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Common Name: Stonecrop
Description: Clusters of white flowers over attractive, low, green foliage. Landscaper's favorite.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEDUM tetractinum
(SEE-dum) (te-TRAK-tee-num)
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Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety)
Description: Round leaves topped with yellow stars. Fantastic bronze fall color. From China. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEDUM 'Vera Jameson'
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Common Name: Stonecrop
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Excitiing hybrid! Deep purple leaves with dusty pink flowers in fall. Does not develop open centers as readily as 'Robustum'.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Cut Flower Rock Garden Full Sun Partial Shade Hybrid

SEDUM 'Vera Jameson'
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Common Name: Stonecrop (Tall Variety)
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Exciting hybrid! Deep purple leaves; dusty pink flowers in fall. Does not develop open centers as readily as 'Robustum'. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Cut Flower Rock Garden Full Sun Partial Shade

SEDUM x 'Czar's Gold'
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Common Name: Stonecrop (Low Variety)
Description: Outstanding evergreen carpet ground cover with many, golden flowers on reddish stems in summer. Choice rock garden, ground cover, or roof garden selection. Requires excellent drainage.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover Hybrid

SEDUM x 'Immergrunchen'
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Common Name: Stonecrop
Description: Mat-forming ground cover with green leaves that turn orange-red in cooler temperatures. Yellow flowers in early summer. Will tolerate part shade.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun Partial Shade Ground Cover Hybrid

SEMPERVIVUM arachnoideum 'Cobweb'
(sem-per-VIV-um) (a-RAK-noy-dee-um)
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Common Name: Hen & Chicks
Description: An eye-catching specimen covered with fine, white threads which crisscross between the leaves appearing as cobwebs; pink flowers in mid-summer.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM calcareum monstrosum 'Red Tips'
(sem-per-VIV-um) (kal-KAR-ee-um)
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Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Description: Eye-catching specimen that is green, marked with striking red on the very tips of the leaves. This plant will brighten up your rock or trough garden.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM calcareum 'Mrs. Giuseppi'
(sem-per-VIV-um) (kal-KAR-ee-um)
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Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Description: One of the most interesting color and geometric patterns in this huge collcetion of collectibles. Gray-blue leaves have eye-catching, triangular tips, each with a small, rich maroon tip at the apex. Ideal for troughs and dishes.
Zone: 3
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

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Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Description: Large, gray-green, spiderweb, red tinged rosettes.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties
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Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties
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Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM Mixed Varieties
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Common Name: Hen & Chicks
Description: Excellent in rock gardens. Little 'chicks' cluster around parent rosette.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

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Common Name: Hen & Chicks
Description: Striking evergreen rosettes with pointy leaves, flushed with pink-red centers intensifying in cooler temps.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM Specialty Blend
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Common Name: Hen & Chicks
Description: Rich blend of Sempervivums and Jovibarbas propagated from named varieties.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM Specialty Blend
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Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Description: Rich blend of Sempervivums and Jovibarbas propagated from named varieties.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SEMPERVIVUM 'Twilight Blues'
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Common Name: Hen and Chicks
Description: Large, olive-green shaded lavender, purple tips.
Zone: 4
Specifics: Evergreen Rock Garden Full Sun Ground Cover

SENECIO jacobsenii
(se-NEE-see-o) (jay-kob-SEN-ee-eye)
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Common Name: Trailing Jade
Description: Glossy green, rounded, overlapping leaves on trailing stems with orange-yellow flowers. Beautiful component in hanging baskets.
Zone: 10
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun Partial Shade

SENECIO macroglossus 'Variegatus'
(se-NEE-see-o) (mak-ro-GLOSS-us)
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Common Name: Variegated Jade Vine
Description: RHS Award of Garden Merit. Tiny, creeping, mat-forming, intricate, delicate, yet easy ground cover for troughs, planters, and topiaries.
Zone: 9
Specifics: Full Sun Partial Shade Ground Cover

SENECIO 'Mini Blue'
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Common Name: Miniature Blue Chalk Fingers
Description: Dwarf form of South Africa's Senecio repens. Powder blue, cylindrical, tapered leaves; white pom pom flower heads.
Zone: 10
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun Partial Shade

SENECIO radicans glauca
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Common Name: String of Bananas
Description: Quickly forms plush, trailing, banana-shaped leaves. White, pom-pom, fragrant flowers. Plant in bright light; water when dry.
Zone: 9
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun

SENECIO rowleyanus
(se-NEE-see-oh) (ro-lee-AY-nus)
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Common Name: String of Pearls
Description: Strands of pearl-shaped, green beads hang from this trailing, succulent plant.
Zone: 10
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun

SENECIO vitalis 'Blue Chalk Fingers'
(se-NEE-see-o) (vit-AH-lis)
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Common Name:
Description: Slender, blue-green, fleshy leaves on upright stems provide interesting texture in trough gardens.
Zone: 10
Specifics: Rock Garden Full Sun

SESELI gummiferum
(SE-sel-ee) (gu-MIF-er-um)
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Common Name:
Description: The foliage on this biennial is an attractive, lacy, silver-blue that remains in the rosette form the first year. The second year produces a thick stalk with many, pale pink flowers on umbels mid-summer to fall.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Full Sun Partial Shade

SESLERIA autumnalis
(sess-LAIR-ee-ah) (ot-um-NAL-iss)
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Common Name: Autumn Moor Grass
Description: Yellow-green foliage for contrast. Exceptional in mass plantings.
Zone: 5
Specifics: Full Sun